Saturday, January 17, 2009

Everything Falling into Place!

YAY! This past weekend I thought I had picked out the perfect wedding dress for me! In fact, I almost bought it 3 times in the past 2 days... anyway, So my sister-in-law KaCee told me about this dressing shop in Provo where she got her dress and she recommended me checking it out before I make my decision. She loved the place and told me that she thought I would really like it too! Leslie my future mother-in-law even said

"I really think she's (me) is going to love it there...
I can feel it in my bones!" :)

Sure enough, we got in there and found THE PERFECT DRESS for me! I'm so excited! It is from their new line that comes in in February! Not only will I be able to wear it in the temple, but it's cheaper than any other dress I've liked and the most beautiful BY FAR! I'm so extremely excited! I have KaCee to thank for this wonderful idea! THANKS!

**Anxiously Waiting**


  1. I heard the dress is beautiful and that you guys had a blast. So exciting!!!

  2. Thanks Ang! Yes the dress is beautiful and I'm really excited!


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Our Wedding is on Friday, the 15th of May, 2009. There will be a reception held in our honor that night at Conrad Ranch South Fork Canyon 5591 E South Fork Road Provo Canyon, UT at 6pm. There is also a reception party in Vancouver Washington the next Saturday May 23rd, 2009 from 6pm to 8pm. Dinner will be served, followed by a fun program, so plan on coming and having an enjoyable evening! Washington Reception LDS Church Building 13600 SE McGillivary Blvd Vancouver, WA 98693 SCROLL DOWN FOR MORE INFORMATION